This past weekend the Drexel team once again traveled to beautiful College Park, Maryland and successfully avoided all police forces, this time. Competition was tough both from the east coast and west coast. Berkeley ended up winning both the men's and women's divisions. Our women's team(sara) was only narrowly defeated.
Senior team member, Chern, gave an exciting last show at nationals this year. He recalled, "When I was a freshmen, I was sitting on the bleachers watching this [men's doubles final] match. Now, I am playing in it." Good thing he had been drinking that Chernade. Z also played well in his last nationals, winning the men's doubles (B) draw with Peter.

The rest of the team performed well.
MD (A) :: Yehan & Chern - 2nd Place
XD (A) :: Chern and Sara - Quarterfinals
MS (B) :: Peter - Quarterfinals
MD (B) :: Peter & Z - 1st Place
Akhil and Ben - Semifinals
A list of official results can be found
here. So here is to next year when Drexel will win. We better start training.
Photos from:
Peter Teuben
Our Peter
(more coming soon)