Thursday, November 26, 2009

A Very Badminton Holiday Potluck Party

On December 5, you are all cordially invited to a badminton X-Mas holiday partaayyy. Check out the Facebook Event for further information.

Now, listen here.  I am not friends with everyone on facebook.  If you are in the club, you are invited to the party so please DO add yourself to the event page.

Take a study break and please attend... or be a loser.


Featured Player - Zdravko Tyankov

Photo: Vanessa Iyua

Better Known as Z, this cool kid has served as a club officer for many a year, helping to steer the team to  greatness.  Z is majoring in computer science and this will be his last year on the courts as a Drexel student. He shall be missed. Now, some of you may be wondering; Why am I having trouble pronouncing his real name? Well, it's because Z is from Bulgaria! Okay, let's take a look at Zdravko's interview.

1. Who Is your Badminton hero? 
    Lin Dan
2. Decribe your badminton fantasy.
    To beat Lin Dan:))
3. What makes you angry?

    When people cheat during a badminton game...
4. What would you do with 10 million dollars?

    Travel around the world and donate the rest to Drexel Badminton Club for a brand new awesome Badminton Gym with 20 courts and an endless supply of shuttles - Yonex AS-50:))
5. What is your best badminton move? 
    Surprise drop-shot
6. Describe fellow teammate, Yehan Ranasinghe in three words. 

    Fast, Furious and Friendly...  From Vanessa: His smile makes the world go around. (Chinese Fortune Cookie)
7. What is on your badminton wish list?
    Learn how to do Chern's cross court, backhand smash, improve my footwork, be more consistent, win a couple of gold medals:))
8.  If you could have lunch with any 3 people, living or dead, who would they be?
    Creator of Google, Geronimo, Monica Bellucci
9. What is your worst badminton move?
    Backhand smash...
10. If you could choose, how would you like to die?
      I don't think about things like that... I will live forever! :))
11. What is your motto?
      Smile, Be Positive and Stay Strong! :-D

Well done, Z (and vanessa)!


Tuesday, November 24, 2009

The Blog Turns 1

Today is in fact the one year anniversary of the Drexel Badminton Blog. Vince's baby is growing up fast. 

That will be all. 


Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Mid-Atlantic Classic Jrs Tournament

The MAC Juniors were this past weekend and I'm happy to report that Drexel won the team competition! The way it works is that each team selects five member to "count" for points.  Yehan, Peter, Chern, Z, and Akhil conquered all, beating out Penn(a close second).

And here are the highlights from individual and doubles competition:

Chern & Yehan - Won Men's Doubles
Peter & Z - Reached semi-finals in Men's Doubles
Akhil & Devin - Reached semi-finals in Men's Doubles

Yehan - Won Men's Singles
Akhil - Reached semi-finals in Men's Singles

Sara - Reached semi-finals in Women's Singles

Chern & Sara - reached quarter-finals in Mixed Doubles
Aaron & Swanna - Reached semi-finals in Mixed Doubles

Anna and Ta - Mixed Doubles finalists
Dan - Women Singles finalists

Good Job Team!


Is that...? Yes.

Have you guys seen the future? I have. And Vince is still playing badminton.

With the same infamous bag in hand and signature swagger in check, VK has been featured in simulation photos for the new Drexel athletic center.



Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Featured Player - Swanna Luo

In order to spark an interest in the blog, I am starting The Featured Player of the Week(or so) Series. The posts will consist of a wonderfully awesome (or awkward) picture of a Drexel Club member and a few interview questions. The series will hopefully help readers understand their teammates better, on and off the court.

Name: Swanna Luo
Status: Freshman
Major: Physician's Assistant 

1. Who is your badminton hero?
    Obviously Devin Dobrowolski. That shouldn't even be asked.
2. Describe your badminton fantasy.
    Being the bestest badminton player ever. Thus proving to my parents that I don't win by chance. ...or watching ben play half naked (1 to 5 people) with a ponytail in his fab hair. xD
3. What makes you angry?
    When people break promises :( or lie, or cheat, or ruin my reputation.
4. What would you do with 10 million dollars?
    Buy a nice small cottage somewhere remote with a lake, a cook, a badminton court (with birdies to last a lifetime), and the rest to eliminate poverty.
5. What is your best badminton move?
6. Describe fellow teammate, Artur Vieira in 3 words. 
    Fail. Sneaky. and unworthyofhighfives.
7. What is on your badminton wish-list?
    Badminton shoes, better badminton nets, badminton COPCAKES and the skill of smashing.
8. If you could have lunch with any 3 people, living or dead, who would they be?
    My bff #1, the most successful person on earth and God.
9. What is your worst badminton move?
    DEH SMASH. >:( (or lack thereof)
10. If you could choose, how would you like to die?
      Die peacefully and happily in sleep, next to the one i love most. :) without any regrets in the world.
11. What is your motto?
      Be open to everyone's opinions, while retaining your own, and you will succeed. :)

There you have it folks. Swanna's 11 answers have let us peer deep into her soul and more importantly have exposed some of her badminton weaknesses. You're welcome, rest of the club.


Friday, November 6, 2009

Women's Match at Bryn Mawr College

Fun Facts about Bryn Mawr:

1. It is one of the Seven Sister colleges
2. It's colors are yellow and white
3. Hillary Clinton, Emily Dickinson and Audry Hepburn are alumni
4. They were defeated by the Drexel Badminton ladies' team

Final score:  Drexel - 5     Bryn Mawr - 4

Way to go!


Sunday, November 1, 2009

Practice Schedule - Fall Term 2009

Practices are held in the South wing of the DAC

Tuesdays: 6 - 9 PM
Thursdays: 6 - 9 PM
Fridays: 7 - 10 PM

In addition: For those of you who are unaware, put down your copy of the bible and check out this Bible.