Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Featured Player - Swanna Luo

In order to spark an interest in the blog, I am starting The Featured Player of the Week(or so) Series. The posts will consist of a wonderfully awesome (or awkward) picture of a Drexel Club member and a few interview questions. The series will hopefully help readers understand their teammates better, on and off the court.

Name: Swanna Luo
Status: Freshman
Major: Physician's Assistant 

1. Who is your badminton hero?
    Obviously Devin Dobrowolski. That shouldn't even be asked.
2. Describe your badminton fantasy.
    Being the bestest badminton player ever. Thus proving to my parents that I don't win by chance. ...or watching ben play half naked (1 to 5 people) with a ponytail in his fab hair. xD
3. What makes you angry?
    When people break promises :( or lie, or cheat, or ruin my reputation.
4. What would you do with 10 million dollars?
    Buy a nice small cottage somewhere remote with a lake, a cook, a badminton court (with birdies to last a lifetime), and the rest to eliminate poverty.
5. What is your best badminton move?
6. Describe fellow teammate, Artur Vieira in 3 words. 
    Fail. Sneaky. and unworthyofhighfives.
7. What is on your badminton wish-list?
    Badminton shoes, better badminton nets, badminton COPCAKES and the skill of smashing.
8. If you could have lunch with any 3 people, living or dead, who would they be?
    My bff #1, the most successful person on earth and God.
9. What is your worst badminton move?
    DEH SMASH. >:( (or lack thereof)
10. If you could choose, how would you like to die?
      Die peacefully and happily in sleep, next to the one i love most. :) without any regrets in the world.
11. What is your motto?
      Be open to everyone's opinions, while retaining your own, and you will succeed. :)

There you have it folks. Swanna's 11 answers have let us peer deep into her soul and more importantly have exposed some of her badminton weaknesses. You're welcome, rest of the club.



  1. simply insightful! Keep the second part of your phantasy a phatasy though :)

  2. great idea! been away fer like forever, buh i look forward to meeting all these new players i'm hearing about! =D



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