Monday, January 26, 2009

Badminton may as well be your religion.

One of our team members, Linh Thanh Bui, has shared a training resource with us called The Badminton Bible.
Leave your hymns at home. This site hosts articles (five currently) written by a professional badminton coach that are sure to enhance your game.

And now some words from our sponsors:
For those who are starting badminton, I suggest a few things you should focus on and a few things that you should not focus on at this stage.


- focus on the correct grip - read the grip guide in BC
- focus on the correct stroke - ask a coach to show you.
- focus on footwork
- focus on fitness - jog/swim/bike - or do footwork drills


- trick shots - stop learning those strange shots.
- fancy style - i have so many times seen beginners with really fancy looking hitting style but then they miss the shuttle. keep it simple.
- strength training - leave this after you have learned your basic strokes
- expensive racket - you will most likely be wasting money

~~Keep on letting that fire burn~~


  1. The tips are not mine. From someone in Central Badminton Forum. Although I could have said that


Words are encouraged.